Timenotes is an online time entry system focused on simplicity and powerful features. Control work hours, manage earnings and costs in a single application. Handling time entries was never so easy.
Timenotes is a versatile online software for processing your daily time entries. It is fully automated so it eliminates the necessity of filling out traditional paper timesheets or spreadsheets.
How does it work? User signs in and chooses the assignment and enters the time entry. Then, you are able to instantly check the work log in Reports or Timesheet and download it in the chosen file format.
Timenotes collects, stores and processes the provided time entries in order to present work logs, costs and earnings calculations live in your browser. It eliminates unnecessary management efforts so you can focus on improving your productivity and putting it to a whole new level.
Give Timenotes a try!
Click and sign up using your email or Google account in just a few seconds. The onboarding requires an absolute minimum amount of data so you can enter the system in a blink of an eye.
Send email invitations directly to your team members using their email addresses so they can join you. Each user is able to record their work right after accepting the email invitation.
Filter all your time entries by date, users, tasks, projects or clients. Group them accordingly and export results into PDF, Excel or CSV file format. Share the files with your team members or clients.
Fully integrate the time tracking system into your business by checking your team absences. Learn more about time off tracker and finally fully understand blank spots (no logged entries) in your timesheets.
Track and add time entries in just a few steps. Start tracking and Timenotes will process the data for you in a flash
Check your employees efficiency by reviewing their current assignments and monitor as they progress through their tasks or activities.
Input work logs using your personal mobile device (Android or iOS) or install our browser extension and enhance your logging experience with Timenotes.
Lock your past work logs and secure them from unwanted edits. You decide how extensivly you will protect your workspace timesheets.
Set automatic reminders based on your internal work logging policy. Do not miss a single day of your worklogs every again.
Billable hours and pay sheets are auto-calculated. Manage your costs and spendings to optimize your income and stop guessing your revenue with proper projections.